This tutorial will walk you through the basics of creating a hotbar with HotbarPlus.
You can get the module on Roblox or download it from GitHub.
Simply put the script into Replicated Storage, and you're done! 🎉
Creating the Hotbar
Start by requiring the module.
local hotbar = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Hotbar)
Creating Items
Now we can add some items. Let's use the .new()
constructor and store the return in a variable.
local item = hotbar.new()
We should also name our item so that the Roblox GUI frame is distinct and our hotbar GUI tree is legible.
Making It Look Good
Let's set the text of the item so we know what it is.
item:setText("My Item")
This will be the first item in our hotbar, so let's also set the label to 1.
Binding a Key
Sure we can click on the item to select it, but we also want to be able to press a key to do so, like an actual hotbar.
Since it's the first item in our hotbar, let's bind it to the 1 key.
Adding Functionality
Let's now bind a function for when the item is used.
item:bindEvent("used", function(self)
print("This item was used!")
Changing Behavior
Ok, what about making this a oneClick button? Instead of selecting it and then clicking to use it, we can automatically use it when we press 1.
Finally, why don't we tween in the hotbar when the player spawns. It'll be a nice little animation for the hotbar to pop up.
There's already a built-in tween function, so we can just use that.
We can pass an adition two argumens being the time (seconds) and TweenInfo, but the default works too.
Next Steps
That's about all it takes to make a hotbar item. There's much more you can do, like binding conditions, adding pressAgain functions, using custom animations, and more. Go check out the docs for more info!